content analysis
SYMBOLS d,a ,g, G, T,v ,r, M, m, F TERMS Speed, Force, , Gravitational Pull, Gravitational Force, Vector quantity, Acceleration, Mass, Frictional force, orbit, orbital velocity, Centripetal force, velocity, acceleration due to gravity, weight. Free fall, Contact and Non Contact forces FACTS: 1.When you throw a ball up in air it will falls down 2.We can stand on earth without falling 3. A mango falls down from a mango tree. 4.Artificial satellites revolving around the earth is where the force of gravity is experienced. 5.Gravitation keeps us walking on Earth instead of floating away into space 6.Gravitational force depends on distance and mass of a body 7.At the center of the earth you feel weightless. 8.Gravitational force is responsible for the revolution to the Moon around the Earth. 9.Gravity is responsible for water to rest at the bottom of a glass instead of hovering over at the top the glass 10.All bodies on earth are attracted towards the centre of earth. 11...
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